Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Rediker TeacherPlus for Phones!!!!

It's here! Rediker has a TeacherPlus app for phones!!!!

Cover art

iTunes preview for iPhones (You can only get the app directly in the App Store on your iPhone)

Google Play link for Androids


When you install it, it asks to "Add School." Just type in your Rediker login, which should be your school e-mail, and your Rediker password.

First Day of School - Quick Access to Google Folders

As I have been transitioning from Dropbox to Google Drive to store my digital life, I've accumulated a lot of folders.

Besides my Google Classroom folders I have folders for each of my classes.*
So I don't have to scroll constantly to find each class, each year I rename my class folders by adding numbers at the beginning of the file name. I also give them distinctive colors to help distinguish between two sections of the same class.

Just open Google Drive, find your class-materials folder and right-click .

Click Rename and add a number. I start with 01 and go up from there.

Click OK and you're all set.

While you're there, why don't you give them each a different color.

Right click the folder name again and click Change color.

This is what it looks like.

Isn't that nicer? 😃

*NB - (I am NOT talking about the specific class folders within your [Google] Classroom folder - don't mess with that. GC won't know where to send files.)

I'm just talking about a folder where I store pdfs, documents, readings, SMARTBoard files, etc.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Archive your old classes!

Did you know that until you archive your old classes they still show up on the students' Google Classroom?

Time to clean up!

Go to you main Google Classroom page.

In the upper right corner of each class are 3 dots.

Click the 3 dots.

Image from Gyazo

Choose Archive. Then confirm that you really want to archive the class.

All done!

But wait!

What if you want to get the class back? What if you forgot there was something there that you wanted to re-use for this year? Is all hope lost? Is it gone forever?

Never fear!

On you main Google Classroom page, click on the 3 lines in the upper left corner (affectionately known as "the sandwich") and scroll down to the bottom. 

Click on Archived Classes. All of your archived classes from days of yore will appear, kind of cross-hatched and fuzzy, like ghosts from the past through a screen door.

Choose the class you need to resurrect, click on the 3 dots and choose restore.

Image from Gyazo

But remember! When YOU restore the class, it will reappear in any of your old students' Google Classrooms as well. {EDIT: So go to People, click the top checkbox at the top of the Students list. This will choose all of the students. The Actions drop-down menu will become active. Click on the arrow and choose Remove. ]