Tuesday, August 28, 2018

First Day of School - Quick Access to Google Folders

As I have been transitioning from Dropbox to Google Drive to store my digital life, I've accumulated a lot of folders.

Besides my Google Classroom folders I have folders for each of my classes.*
So I don't have to scroll constantly to find each class, each year I rename my class folders by adding numbers at the beginning of the file name. I also give them distinctive colors to help distinguish between two sections of the same class.

Just open Google Drive, find your class-materials folder and right-click .

Click Rename and add a number. I start with 01 and go up from there.

Click OK and you're all set.

While you're there, why don't you give them each a different color.

Right click the folder name again and click Change color.

This is what it looks like.

Isn't that nicer? 😃

*NB - (I am NOT talking about the specific class folders within your [Google] Classroom folder - don't mess with that. GC won't know where to send files.)

I'm just talking about a folder where I store pdfs, documents, readings, SMARTBoard files, etc.

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