Thursday, March 30, 2017

Force a copy in Google Docs link

When I share worksheets with my students in Google Classroom, I don't want to post it as an Assignment, because I don't want the students submitting it back to me. I want them to hold on to it to study from.

If I post it as an announcement - if they can edit it, it will become one shared document with everyone working on it. Sometimes I want that, like when they are reviewing as a group.

But sometimes I want each student to do their own work. If I share as view only, then they can view the document, but they can't edit (i.e. write on) it. That's okay for in-class reading, but obviously inappropriate for worksheets.

If I ask them to make a copy of the document, there will always (and I means always) be a few who do not and then can't figure out why they can't write on it.

The trick is to force them to make a copy.

When you have completed the Google Doc, click SHARE, then click Get shareable link.

Click Copy Link.

Now, in Google Classroom, create an announcement, and on the description line, paste the link (Ctrl+V) where it says Share with your class.

The link will be a long string of gibberish; focus on the end.

Position your cursor and delete the word edit and replace it with copy.

When they click on that link, they will be confronted with this:

Their only choice is to to click Make a copy.