Friday, July 17, 2020

Link to Text Fragment extension

Google has a great new extension.
Did you ever have to direct students to a specific place within a long web document?

Link to Text Fragment is simple to use.
Highlight some text (more than a couple of words) and right-click. The extension will appear as one of your choices.

Click and it will copy a link to your clipboard that will direct students to the specific spot on the site.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Hebrew Vowels (Niqud) for Microsoft Windows and Word

This is very old news, but a few people asked me about it, so maybe it's worth a post.

To enter niqud in Word, for example:

1. Make sure you are in HEBREW language mode (Alt+Shift).
2. Engage Caps Lock
3. Place your cursor after the letter over/under/in which you want to inset niqud.
4. Hold down the Shift key and click the following:

If you need to use multiple nequdot on the same letter (Let's say, a Shin with a dagesh in it and a patach under it) the order is Dagesh, shin/Sin dot, vowel.

[The above chart is originally from the website, which no longer exists.]