The following two Chrome extensions, used in conjunction, make my life so much easier. Let me make your life easier, too.
Part One:
The first extension is App Launcher Customizer for Google™ .
Install it, and you can customize the App Launcher that appears on any Google App page in the upper right-hand corner. (It looks like a 3x3 grid of blocks.)
Click on the extension in your Chrome Menu and you'll see this screen.
Just drag all the apps you use into the "My services" window, and all the one that you DON'T want out of the "My services" window back into the "Available" window.
There are an AWFUL LOT of Available apps! Use the Search feature to find the ones you're looking for.
I personally like to keep my App Launcher window clean, so I ruthlessly limit it to 12 icons. Any time a new one comes in, an old one goes out, but you can cram it as full of apps as you wish.
Part Two:
The second extension is App Launcher in popup
After installing this, it will put the app launcher icon directly on your Chrome Menu.
The biggest advantage is now I don't have to be on a Google-related page to access the App Launcher, and now I have access to the apps I need on a daily basis, and only those apps, from anywhere in Chrome.